


Smoking among female arrestees: Prevalence of daily smoking and smokingcessation efforts Durrah, T.L.;Rosenberg, T.J.; Addictive Behaviors 2004-07-01 查看
Social support and the transtheoretical model: Relationship of socialsupport to smoking cessation stage, decisional balance, process use, andtemptation Wagner, J.;Burg, M.;Sirois, B.; Addictive Behaviors 2004-07-01 查看
Self-efficacy to refrain from smoking predicted by major depression andnicotine dependence John, U.;Meyer, C.;Rumpf, H.-J.;Hapke, U.; Addictive Behaviors 2004-07-01 查看
Energy intake and physical activity during short-term smoking cessation inpostmenopausal women Allen, S.S.;Brintnell, D.M.;Hatsukami, D.;Reich, B.; Addictive Behaviors 2004-07-01 查看
Smoking behavior and interest in quitting among homeless smokers Arnsten, J.H.;Reid, K.;Bierer, M.;Rigotti, N.; Addictive Behaviors 2004-08-01 查看
Smoking behavior and interest in quitting among homeless smokers Arnsten, J.H.;Reid, K.;Bierer, M.;Rigotti, N.; Addictive Behaviors 2004-08-01 查看
Impact of a motivational intervention on mechanisms of change in low-incomepregnant smokers Stotts, A.L.;DeLaune, K.A.;Schmitz, J.M.;Grabowski, J.; Addictive Behaviors 2004-11-01 查看
Project EX - A teen smoking cessation initial study in Wuhan, China Zheng, H.;Sussman, S.;Chen, X.;Wang, Y.;Xia, J.;Gong, J.;Liu, C.;Shan, J.;Unger, J.;Johnson, C.A.; Addictive Behaviors 2004-12-01 查看
The influence of offering free transdermal nicotine patches on quit ratesin a local health department's smoking cessation program Alberg, A.J.;Stashefsky Margalit, R.;Burke, A.;Rasch, K.A.;Stewart, N.;Kline, J.A.;Ernst, P.A.;Avey, A.;Hoffman, S.C.; Addictive Behaviors 2004-12-01 查看
Ongoing interpretations of accomplishments in smoking cessation: Positiveand negative self-efficacy interpretations Dijkstra, A.;Wolde, G.T.; Addictive Behaviors 2005-02-01 查看
Correlates of motivation to quit smoking in methadone-maintained smokersenrolled in a smoking cessation trial Shadel, W.G.;Stein, M.D.;Anderson, B.J.;Herman, D.S.;Bishop, S.;Lassor, J.A.;Weinstock, M.;Anthony, J.L.;Niaura, R.; Addictive Behaviors 2005-02-01 查看
Psychosocial correlates of smoking cessation among elderly ever-smokers inthe United States Honda, K.; Addictive Behaviors 2005-02-01 查看
Perceived risks and benefits of smoking cessation: Gender-specificpredictors of motivation and treatment outcome McKee, S.A.;O'Malley, S.S.;Salovey, P.;Krishnan-Sarin, S.;Mazure, C.M.; Addictive Behaviors 2005-03-01 查看
Differences between Latino and non-Latino White smokers in cognitiveand behavioral characteristics relevant to smoking cessation Bock, B.C.;Niaura, R.S.;Neighbors, C.J.;Carmona-Barros, R.;Azam, M.; Addictive Behaviors 2005-05-01 查看
Understanding the associations among education, employmentcharacteristics, and smoking Wetter, D.W.;Cofta-Gunn, L.;Fouladi, R.T.;Irvin, J.E.;Daza, P.;Mazas, C.;Wright, K.;Cinciripini, P.M.;Gritz, E.R.; Addictive Behaviors 2005-06-01 查看
Religiosity, social support, and smoking cessation among urban AfricanAmerican smokers Nollen, N.L.;Catley, D.;Davies, G.;Hall, M.;Ahluwalia, J.S.; Addictive Behaviors 2005-07-01 查看
Unaided smoking cessation among smokers in treatment for alcoholdependence Karam-Hage, M.;Pomerleau, C.S.;Pomerleau, O.F.;Brower, K.J.; Addictive Behaviors 2005-07-01 查看
Effect of nicotine replacement therapy on post-cessation weight gainand nutrient intake: A randomized controlled trial of postmenopausal femalesmokers Allen, S.S.;Hatsukami, D.;Brintnell, D.M.;Bade, T.; Addictive Behaviors 2005-08-01 查看
Unaided smoking cessation and predictors of failure to quit in acommunity sample: Effects of gender Westmaas, J.L.;Langsam, K.; Addictive Behaviors 2005-08-01 查看
Identifying high- and low-success smoking cessation subgroups usingsignal detection analysis Norman, S.B.;Norman, G.J.;Rossi, J.S.;Prochaska, J.O.; Addictive Behaviors 2006-01-01 查看
Motivation to quit using cigarettes: A review McCaul, K.D.;Hockemeyer, J.R.;Johnson, R.J.;Zetocha, K.;Quinlan, K.;Glasgow, R.E.; Addictive Behaviors 2006-01-01 查看
Smoking cessation for weight-concerned women: Group vs. individuallytailored, dietary, and weight-control follow-up sessions Copeland, A.L.;Martin, P.D.;Geiselman, P.J.;Rash, C.J.;Kendzor, D.E.; Addictive Behaviors 2006-01-01 查看
Predictors of the participation of smoking parents in a proactivetelephone-based smoking cessation program Mak, Y.W.;Loke, A.Y.;Lam, T.H.;Abdullah, A.S.; Addictive Behaviors 2006-10-01 查看
Initial evaluation of a real-world self-help smoking cessationprogramme for adolescents and young adults Hanewinkel, R.;Wiborg, G.; Addictive Behaviors 2006-10-01 查看
Cigarette smoking and interest in quitting in methadone maintenancepatients Nahvi, S.;Richter, K.;Li, X.;Modali, L.;Arnsten, J.; Addictive Behaviors 2006-11-01 查看
Excuses to continue smoking: The role of disengagement beliefs insmoking cessation Kleinjan, M.;van den Eijnden, R.J.J.M.;Dijkstra, A.;Brug, J.;Engels, R.C.M.E.; Addictive Behaviors 2006-12-01 查看
Spontaneous smoking cessation during pregnancy among ethnic minoritywomen: A preliminary investigation Morasco, B.J.;Dornelas, E.A.;Fischer, E.H.;Oncken, C.;Lando, H.A.; Addictive Behaviors 2006-02-01 查看
A review of computer and Internet-based interventions for smokingbehavior Walters, S.T.;Wright, J.A.;Shegog, R.; Addictive Behaviors 2006-02-01 查看
Nicotine dependence, motivation to quit, and diagnosis in emergencydepartment patients who smoke Bernstein, S.L.;Cannata, M.; Addictive Behaviors 2006-02-01 查看
Do behavioral smoking reduction approaches reach more or differentsmokers? Two studies; similar answers Glasgow, R.E.;Gaglio, B.;France, E.K.;Marcus, A.;Riley, K.M.;Levinson, A.;Bischoff, K.; Addictive Behaviors 2006-03-01 查看
Can transtheoretical model measures predict relapse from the actionstage of change among ex-smokers who quit after calling a quitline? Segan, C.J.;Borland, R.;Greenwood, K.M.; Addictive Behaviors 2006-03-01 查看
A randomised-controlled pilot study using nicotine patches withpregnant women Hotham, E.D.;Gilbert, A.L.;Atkinson, E.R.; Addictive Behaviors 2006-04-01 查看
General and smoking cessation related weight concerns in veterans Cooper, T.V.;Dundon, M.;Hoffman, B.M.;Stoever, C.J.; Addictive Behaviors 2006-04-01 查看
Motivation to quit as a mediator of tobacco cessation among at-riskyouth McCuller, W.J.;Sussman, S.;Wapner, M.;Dent, C.;Weiss, D.J.; Addictive Behaviors 2006-05-01 查看
Smoking cessation among Chinese young smokers: Does gender and agedifference matters and what are the predictors? Abdullah, A.S.M.;Lam, T.H.;Chan, S.S.C.;Hedley, A.J.; Addictive Behaviors 2006-05-01 查看
The prevalence of weight concerns in a smoking abstinence clinical trial Clark, M.M.;Hurt, R.D.;Croghan, I.T.;Patten, C.A.;Novotny, P.;Sloan, J.A.;Dakhil, S.R.;Croghan, G.A.;Wos, E.J.;Rowland, K.M.;Bernath, A.;Morton, R.F.;Thomas, S.P.;Tschetter, L.K.;Garneau, S.;Stella, P.J.;Ebbert, L.P.;Wender, D.B.;Loprinzi, C.L.; Addictive Behaviors 2006-07-01 查看
Smoking cessation: An application of theory of planned behavior tounderstanding progress through stages of change Bledsoe, L.K.; Addictive Behaviors 2006-07-01 查看
Transtheoretical model constructs in smokers with and without medicalillness: A second look at the medical effect Wagner, J.;Heapy, A.;Frantsve, L.;Abbott, G.;Burg, M.M.; Addictive Behaviors 2006-07-01 查看
Psychometric evaluation of the smoking cessation Processes of Changescale in an adolescent sample Hoeppner, B.B.;Velicer, W.F.;Redding, C.A.;Rossi, J.S.;Prochaska, J.O.;Pallonen, U.E.;Meier, K.S.; Addictive Behaviors 2006-08-01 查看
Predictors of persistent smoking and quitting among women smokers McGee, R.;Williams, S.; Addictive Behaviors 2006-09-01 查看
Effectiveness of specialist group treatment for smoking cessation treatment in primary care McEwen, A.;West, R.;McRobbie, H.; Addictive Behaviors 2006-09-01 查看
Effects of partner smoking status and gender on long term abstinencerates of patients receiving smoking cessation treatment Manchon Walsh, P.;Carrillo, P.;Flores, G.;Masuet, C.;Morchon, S.;Ramon, J.M.; Addictive Behaviors 2007-01-01 查看
Motivation for change and the pros and cons of smoking in a Spanishpopulation Font-Mayolas, S.;Planes, M.;Gras, M.E.;Sullman, M.J.M.; Addictive Behaviors 2007-01-01 查看
Smoke and mirrors: Magnified beliefs that cigarette smoking suppressesweight White, M.A.;McKee, S.A.;O'Malley, S.S.; Addictive Behaviors 2007-10-01 查看
History of smoking and postcessation weight gain among weight losssurgery candidates Levine, M.D.;Kalarchian, M.A.;Courcoulas, A.P.;Wisinski, M.S.C.;Marcus, M.D.; Addictive Behaviors 2007-10-01 查看
The motivation to stay abstinent in ex-smokers: Comparing the presentwith the past Dijkstra, A.;Borland, R.;Buunk, B.P.; Addictive Behaviors 2007-10-01 查看
Motivational enhancement therapy for high-risk adolescent smokers Helstrom, A.;Hutchison, K.;Bryan, A.; Addictive Behaviors 2007-10-01 查看
The commitment to quitting smoking scale: Initial validation in asmoking cessation trial for heavy social drinkers Kahler, C.W.;LaChance, H.R.;Strong, D.R.;Ramsey, S.E.;Monti, P.M.;Brown, R.A.; Addictive Behaviors 2007-10-01 查看
Transtheoretical principles and processes for quitting smoking: A24-month comparison of a representative sample of quitters, relapsers, andnon-quitters Sun, X.;Prochaska, J.O.;Velicer, W.F.;Laforge, R.G.; Addictive Behaviors 2007-12-01 查看
Predictors of self-reported discussion of cessation medications byphysicians in New Jersey Steinberg, M.B.;Nanavati, K.;Delnevo, C.D.;Abatemarco, D.J.; Addictive Behaviors 2007-12-01 查看
Randomized controlled trial of physical activity counseling as an aidto smoking cessation: 12 month follow-up Ussher, M.;West, R.;McEwen, A.;Taylor, A.;Steptoe, A.; Addictive Behaviors 2007-12-01 查看
Transdermal nicotine for smoking cessation in postmenopausal women Oncken, C.;Cooney, J.;Feinn, R.;Lando, H.;Kranzler, H.R.; Addictive Behaviors 2007-02-01 查看
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